Created, designed and implemented by Mannixlab Productions, Skabe din Fremtid garnered international attention by establishing a presence in 37 countries around the world.  Contact us to find out how Alternate Reality Games can benefit your company's brand and mission.

Skabe din fremtid (Create your future in Danish) is an Alternate Reality Game for Education that has players from over 17 countries around the world in 125+ classrooms where "Humarchivists" fight to save and re-write human history from the dreaded Raybot Spiders, an artificial intelligence system gone awry.  Students, teachers and members of the media interactive online and offline engaging in experiential learning while having a tremendous amount of fun.

PeaceCraft.Us is the second Alternate Reality Game for Education by Mannixlab Productions.  This game challenges researchers, scientists, doctoral, graduate and undergraduates to work together to design, create and implement various projects that will heal fellow human beings, animals and the earth.  Participants design real world studies and create new platforms of technology, science and business that will help us live more productive and healthy lives.

What is the PeaceCraft.Us Hypothesis?

The PeaceCraft.Us Hypothesis is an Alternate Reality Game (ARG) that fosters creation, connection and communication through multi-disciplinary teams that are charged with designing, creating and implementing a project that will contribute to a dramatic improvement in our existing structures of education, healthcare, technology, politics,  or entertainment.  

The PeaceCraft.Us Hypothesis challenges individuals to work together across location to develop clear and quantifiable evidence of improvement.  The teams will be required to document their process, develop a clear plan of action and produce a product or service that will be implemented by a large number of people across cultures, creeds and nations.

The implementation of PeaceCraft.Us will be through and across media including, but not limited to radio, television, motion pictures, interactive theatre, and the internet.  PeaceCraft.Us will utilize multiple forms of media to include clues for the players of the game.  Each team will be responsible for embedding clues and "action drops" through the media and in the real world.

Peacecraft Project Design Overview

  • Week 1  Explore who We Are


  • Week 2  Form Teams:  

Develop teams based on pairing individuals by  connecting with team members that most represents who you  want to be. 

  • Week 3  Discussion of goals of Peacecraft


  • WEEK 4  Brainstorming to develop ideas to implement goals


  • WEEK 5  Break Teams into External and external peace teams

    • Develop Social Networking Long Tale Surveys
    • Social Analytics Platform Creation and Management


  • WEEK 6 Develop Themes of Peacecraft

    • Choose Theme Ambassadors
    • Divide United States into manageable groups by theme and geo-location


  • Week 7  Develop Participation proposal

    • Must include online/offline Research and Action Plan
    • Must include Sustainability Report


  • Week 8  Begin Approval Process by PeaceCraft Community


  • Weeks 9-13 Research


  • Weeks 14-16 Develop Portfolio of Quantitative and qualitative Findings


  • WEEKS 17-19 Present Peacecraft Challenge Results


  • Week 20 Where have we been, where are we now and where should we go?